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DragonBallZ.ws Version Z

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Below are some tips, that I have found will definately help your website to stay popular, or get popular. I'm not going to guarantee that if you follow all these steps, then you will automatically have a site as popular as DBGT.com. However, these steps will help in order for you to get a good popular website.

1. Update your site as much as possible. Don't go slacking, updating once a month. Keep it to a good amount of at least 3 times a week.

2. Join search engines! This is where people mostly find their websites, so go for it. Many popular sites, have their site listed in over 1000 search engines. Some places do offer to submit your site to many search engines at a single time, so that you don't have to do it manually.

3. Be professional. Keep your site good looking at all times. Make sure your layout, graphics, and content make a good impression on the visitor. That way, the visitor will actually come back to the website.

4. Join topsites. If there are topsite lists in your website category, go for it! Many people look to find their websites in topsite lists also, so try to do as many as you can. However don't go too far with it, or you mite get too many advertisements and pop-up banners.

5. Stay away from lots of advertisements. It is very irritating for visitors to constantly get about 2-4 pop-up banners every time that they visit a page. Keep these advertisements to a bare minimum. If you pay for your hosting, most of the time the server won't give pop-up advertisements, which is a good thing.

6. Affiliate with strong sites, that are very professional. This shows that other great sites respect you and people in turn will want to check out your site. This may be a little hard, and you might have to get a little popular first, but once they accept you, it's great. Most of the visitors on your affiliate's site will also start visiting your site as well, if it's good.

7. Keep your content original! This is a big one. NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE likes stolen content. It's completely unacceptable, and you will immediately start to lose hits. Along with that, your site will get a bad name. Do your own work, and post it on your site. It can't be so bad that you have to steal the content from another site. Originality is the most characteristic needed on a website. It brings respect and shows that your hard working, and that you actually work hard for what you get. Not just go around taking content and presenting it as yours.

Those are pretty much the good tips I can give. Remember these tips when you're interested in starting your own site. Trust me, they will come in handy. These tips are given for mostly those webmasters who are just starting out. Webmastering may be frustrating at first, but you'll have to bare through it.

-Information Produced By: Draton

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Site Creation: January 2009
Webmaster: Majin Gohan
Site Layout: An old friend from DBGT.COM!

Site News: DragonBallZ.WS is moving along and growing gradually, it may be slow, but we are moving at a good steady pace so this site can become a timeless archive for Dragon Ball fans of all generations. We currently have an excellent staff who is bringing you lots of original information and interaction on the site. We're also constantly working on having media up, and having it stay up for as long as possible
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MG_ is getting busier by the day with life among other things. But still has love for the site and Dragon Ball in general. Site maintenance and new informative updates are his priority

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