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DragonBallZ.ws Version Z

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How Do I Get More Hits?

We have put together this list to help you improve your site traffic. To help you keep track of your website's traffic, we highly recommend a stats4all counter, it can be hidden, or visible, depending on how you edit the code. It gives you a detailed report of every page the counter is placed on. If you have something like a portfolio site, it will be harder to attract traffic, as all there is there is your work.

1. A great way to promote your website is to join a couple of titlists, this way, when people go to the topsite, they will see your site listed there, and possibly click on it. A good topsite to join is maxlist.

2. This tip, isn't really a tip, but rather something you must do when building a website. You should always enter meta-tags in the html code of your web-pages, If you don't there is no chance of your website getting noticed on search engines. If you don't know what meta-tags are, visit the meta tag generator.

3. Some interaction on your website could help to bring some bring visitors frequent visitors, as there will be a reason to come back. A forum or chat room is a great way to add this, there are several free boards, which can be downloaded at places like hotscripts.

4. Having a substantial amount of content is important, so you can keep a stream of visitors. Before releasing your website I recommend uploading a substantial amount of content, so people will be able to look around your site, not just at a pretty layout.

5. The next tip was told to me by maijingohan; this was: If you have allot of content waiting to be uploaded, you should upload it in steady proportions, as if you upload it all at once you will have a hit boom, then once everyone has seen the content they will move on. Release your content bit by bit, but not too slowly either. This is called "Good Webmastering".

6. If you are on a free host I recommend downloading a pop-up killer for your pages so people won't be flashed annoying adverts; thus making their visit to your website more pleasant for the user.

7. Setting up link-exchanges with your affiliated websites, is good for traffic as they put your banner on their site, an you put their banner on your site. This way you can exchange traffic. This should bring you good hits.

8. Don't go stealing or ripping your content, be 100% original, this tells people you work hard and they will get the chance to read something different instead of the same thing 50 times over.

-Information Produced By: jamjar

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Website Bio:
Site Creation: January 2009
Webmaster: Majin Gohan
Site Layout: An old friend from DBGT.COM!

Site News: DragonBallZ.WS is moving along and growing gradually, it may be slow, but we are moving at a good steady pace so this site can become a timeless archive for Dragon Ball fans of all generations. We currently have an excellent staff who is bringing you lots of original information and interaction on the site. We're also constantly working on having media up, and having it stay up for as long as possible
If you have any suggestions / comments, please don't hesitate to drop us a line! / Keep Visiting! /

MG_ is getting busier by the day with life among other things. But still has love for the site and Dragon Ball in general. Site maintenance and new informative updates are his priority

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