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DragonBallZ.ws Version Z

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Become a Staff Member

So you wanna become a staff member at DragonBallZ.WS huh? Well read on to see if you got what it takes.

First things first, DragonBallZ.WS tries to be as professional and honorable of a fansite as possible. We don't want the good reputation ruined and this is why we might be picky as far as staff members go. Although we are not in any major need of Staff Members currently, if there is something you think could really help out DragonBallZ.WS with, then e-mail us.

What do we look for?
- Diverse knowledge of Dragon Ball / Z / GT
- A great writer!
- Some other super special technique that the current staff do not have!

If You Think You Can Handle All Of That Then:
E-mail MG at MG@DragonBallZ.WS with the subject "I WANNA BE A STAFF MEMBER".
And if you get accepted as a Staff Member,you will get a reply from, if not, that means you didn't make the cut! Don't even bother heckling!

Be sure to include:
Real Name:

What Position You Want At DragonBallZ.WS:
A Sample Of your writing if you plan on writing information:
AIM Screename:

Thats All You Need To Do When Applying, GOOD LUCK To All Who Do Apply!!!

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"Don't have a heart attack old man, I wouldn't want you to die before I have the pleasure of killing you." - Garlic Jr.

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Website Bio:
Site Creation: January 2009
Webmaster: Majin Gohan
Site Layout: An old friend from DBGT.COM!

Site News: DragonBallZ.WS is moving along and growing gradually, it may be slow, but we are moving at a good steady pace so this site can become a timeless archive for Dragon Ball fans of all generations. We currently have an excellent staff who is bringing you lots of original information and interaction on the site. We're also constantly working on having media up, and having it stay up for as long as possible
If you have any suggestions / comments, please don't hesitate to drop us a line! / Keep Visiting! /

MG_ is getting busier by the day with life among other things. But still has love for the site and Dragon Ball in general. Site maintenance and new informative updates are his priority

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