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Senzu Beans

Senzu Beans are an very important item in DBZGT, because it basically saves the Z Fighters half the time. Senzu Beans can be thought of as Energy Revitilizers. Senzu Beans are little circular shaped beans that are green. They can't just be picked up at any store or grown by yourself. They must be grown specially by Korin (The Funky Cat Underneath Kami's Lookout). Once a Senzu Bean is eaten, it returns all the energy of that person plus gives them a boost of adrenaline. Thats why the Z Fighters take such care in using them, for there is a very limited amount. Its not like there is a batch at Korins' and the Z Fighters can go through to get a continous amount. That is why the Z Fighters must use them very wisely and be sure not to waste them, because it could mean a bad situation.

So heres a quick recap. Senzu Beans are little green beans (duh!), there are grown specially at Korins', this means that there is a very limited amount and should be used wisely and not just give it to anyone who comes your way asking for one. When someone eats a Senzu Bean, it revitalizes all their energy and gives them an adrenaline boost so that they can overcome their foe. Senzu Beans have saved the Z Fighters in many situations and fights against Vegeta, Ginyu Force, Cell, etc.

Here is also a long list of which characters have taken the Senzu Beans to recover and when they have taken them, and some extra info if available.

Goku: 5 Senzu Beans
Saiyan Saga: Eats one as he falls from Kamis Tower towards Earth to regain his energy.
Namek Saga: Yajirobe gives a bag of seven senzus to Goku, who eats 4 of them

Gohan: 1 1/2 Senzu Beans
Saiyan Saga: Goku gives him half of one after he gets whooped by Nappa
Namek Saga: Goku gives him one on Namek after he got whooped by Recoome

Goten: 0 Senzu Beans
No Saga: Never!

Vegeta: 6 Senzu Beans
Namek Saga: Goku gives him one after he got whooped by Recoome
Cell Saga: Krillin gives him one after Android 19 steals some of his energy. Also, Trunks gives him one after he gets whooped by #17 and #18. Trunks gives him another one during the Cell Game.
Majin Vegeta Saga: He steals one from Goku before his fight against Majin Buu.

Piccolo: 1 Senzu Bean
Cell Saga: Trunks gives him one after the attack of the Cell Jrs.

Trunks: 1 Senzu Bean
Cell Saga: Krillin gives Trunks one after he gets whooped by #17 and #18

Krillin: 3 1/2 Senzu Beans
Saiyan Saga: Goku gives him half of one after he is whopped by Vegeta
Namek Saga: Goku gives him one after he is whooped by Recoome
Cell Saga: Trunks gives him one after he gets nailed by Cell and Trunks gives him another one during the cell game.

Yamcha: 2 Senzu Beans
Cell Saga: Krillin gives him one after he gets an arm through the stomache from #20, and Trunks gives him one during the Cell Game
Tien: 3 Senzu Beans
Cell Saga: Krillin gives him one after he gets beat up by #17 and #18, Goku gives him one after he tries a suicide attck on Cell and, Trunks gives him one during the Cell Game

Cell: 1 Senzu Bean
Cell Saga: Goku give him one to make the fight mor even between Cell and Gohan

Videl: 1 Senzu Bean
Buu Saga: Gohan gives her one after she gets nearly killed by Suppo bitchi in a Tenkachi Budoukai

Information Produced By: Majin Gohan

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