Listed below are some birth days of some DB/DBZ/DBGT characters. I will try to add more birth days as I find them out.
Thanks Operation Saiyan for the information!
Yamcha: Born in 733 A.D.
Tenshinhan: Born in 733 A.D.
Krillen: Born in 736 A.D
Goku: Born in 737 A.D
Chichi: Born in 737 A.D.
Master Roshi: Born in 430 A.D.
Grandpa Gohan: Born in 658 A.D.
Pilaf: Born in 715 A.D.
Vegeta: Born in 732 A.D.
Bulma: Born in 733 A.D.
Oolong: Born in 740 A.D.
Gohan: Born in 757 A.D.
Trunks: Born in 766 A.D.
Goten: Born in 767 A.D.
Marron: Born in 771 A.D.
Pan: Born in 779 A.D.
Bra: Born in 780 A.D.
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