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DragonBallZ.ws Version Z

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Saiyan Armor
The armor is originally worn by henchmen of Freeza. Although in the series, Saiyans are seen wearing it most of the time and has come to be known as "Saiyan Armor". This armor gradually gets better throughout dbz, be it becoming stronger, better looking, etc. The most important aspect of this type of armor is that it can stretch to any possible size because its made of a special rubbery substance, which is why when Vegeta turned Oozaru his whole armor suit was still intact. Raditz is teh first to be seen wearing this armor, but his is the weakest type. Freeza is also seen wearing it before transforming. The armor usually has padded shoulder blades and the armor provides maximum mobility and flexibility.

Namekian Outfit
All Namekian outfits are similar in one way, but for now I will describe Piccolos. The outfit is made up of purple clothing, a white turban, flexible brown shoes, all topped off with a white cape. The turban is extremely heavy which helps Piccolo when he trains. In Gohan's early childhood, he also wears the same outfit since he admires Piccolo and so wants to look like him.

Goku's Outfit
This is Goku's all time favourite outfit, its a orange fighting suit called a "Gi." There is a huge symbol on the back and a small one of the front which represents who Goku has trained under. This symbol is called a "kenji." His symbol changes after he trains under different people. The outfit has a blue vest underneath with simple orange clothing on top. The outfit includes boots and he also has some hand bands on. His blue vest, boots, and hand bands have some weight to them, to help Goku train. Similar outfits are worn by Krillin, Yamcha, Gohan (buu saga), and Goten.

Trunks' Outfit
Trunks has a very unique outfit which consists of baggy grey pants and a black shirt. On top of his shirt he wears a blue Capsule Corp jacket, which obviously has the Capsule Corp symbol. He also has a sheathe on his back which is used to carry his sword.

Fusion Outfit
This outfit is worn by Gojita and Gotenks. The reason it looks similar for both characters is because the fusionees of Gotenks are the sons of the fusionees for Gojita. The outfit includes a pair of white pants, normal shoes, a sort of vest you could say composed of different colors for Gotenks and Gojita. Another reason this outfit occurs could be because both fusions happen using the fusion dance.

On the other hand, Vegetto has a much different costume, since that fusion occurs using the Potarro Earrings. Vegetto's outfit has white gloves like Vegeta, and orange shirt like Gokus', and light-weighted blue overalls, with simple white shoes.

-Information Produced By: Majin Gohan

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