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Dragon Ball Z Movie Synopsis/Review
Movie #4 - Lord Slug

An evil pre-Piccolo bent on world domination has landed on Earth to make a home for himself. But that'll be explained soon enough. Let's go back in time a little, to where it first began...

Things are peaceful on Earth. At a remote location, Piccolo is meditating to his hearts content in front of a soothing waterfall. But nothing lasts forever as Gohan shows up with Icarus who has red clown balls on its horns. And guess what? Icarus can dance! Gohan wants Piccolo to see this amazing feat (sarcasm) and starts whistling a tune with some jingle bells and the two start air dancing. Piccolo just floats there with a let's get this over with attitude. But after a few seconds, Piccolo starts getting unusually annoyed by the whistling. He wants Gohan to stop, but he doesn't hear him. He speaks up a little, but they keep it up. With sweat dripping down his face, Piccolo yells out for Gohan to stop. His anger quickly fades and reassures Gohan it's alright despite his apologies. But his attention is diverted when he senses a huge object coming their way from outer space.

At Capsule Corp, Dr. Briefs sees this object through his powerful telescope, but is unusually calm about it which surprises a quite disturbed Bulma. Oolong suggests it be destroyed. But Dr. Briefs despite acknowledging that as an option, rules out that suggestion when he discovers that it's inhabited. Bulma isn't sure what is to be done.

The huge spherical object collides with the planet...as shown in a simulation on the news. The reporter freaks and doesn't want to spend his last moments there and that starts a panic among everyone else. That in turn surprises Krillin, who wanted to watch sports and instead finding out the world is going to end has a melancholy about not even living his live to its fullest yet. He hears Master Roshi talking in his sleep and can't believe he'd be sleeping at a time like this.

The moment of truth is at hand when Goku and Krillin meet up in the air the prepare to intercept that thing. Goku wants to change its course without destroying it. Bulma, Chi Chi, Gohan and the others watch from a distance as Krillin and Goku unleash a Kamehameha that combines into one. But when it hits, it just dissipates without any effect. The miniplanet's extreme gravitational effect and heavy winds send Goku and Krillin flying out of control and out of sight as the miniplanet is about to collide. Small towns fall apart and chaos is everywhere. Just when things seem at their bleakest, the miniplanet mysteriously changes course on its own, barely avoiding impact and explodes a ways off from Earth. Bulma and the others get back up after ducking for cover and are surprised to be alive. Gohan sees a structure down the hill no doubt left behind by the miniplanet. A crowd of people have gathered to see what's going on.

A door opens up and a strange person in a space suit comes out. The sunlight seems to bother him as he briefly shields his face even though he already has a protective face plate on. He exits followed be several more like him. One of them declares the planet now belongs to Lord Slug, but the people just laugh it off making fun of that name. Oolong wonders why they aren't afraid when he is. Inside the big structure, a horned guy that I can't figure out the name of is trying to hurry up Gyoshu, a short hooded creature to determine how long it will take to terrafreeze the planet. He says a little too much by mentioning Lord Slug's old age and gets blasted in the chest and killed. Slug demands the same answer from Gyoshu and he thinks ten days, only to get blasted. Slug asks Kakuja, a similar looking hooded henchman how long it will take and he says it could be done in three days which Slug accepts.

Outside, the soldiers open fire with energy blasts to disperse the crowd which starts a panic. Gohan runs into the fray and takes out most of them. Slug is surprised by the boy's power and notices the Dragonball on his hat. Outside, Chi Chi steps in and drops two of them, another drops in and punches her in the gut, knocking her out. Gohan comes to the rescue but loses his hat in the process. It comes to a stop right at Slug's feet as he picks it up and takes the Dragonball off of it. Gohan is surprised that he knows about the Dragonballs. Bulma gets cocky with Slug but gets told off by one of Slug's henchmen. He explains their plans of terrafreezing the Earth and turning it into their own star cruiser. Slug asks Bulma where the rest of the Dragonballs are and she slips up when she mentions the Dragon radar. Slug takes advantage of this and draws her in to read her mind. Gohan tries to step in, but gets kneed in the gut by two of Slug's henchmen and is knocked out. Slug reads her mind and learns of the radar and the Eternal Dragon. He takes Bulma's radar and gives it to Medamatcha to find the other six in under an hour. They find them all and return. On top of the structure, Slug summons the Eternal Dragon.

Meanwhile, high above in Other World, King Kai witnesses the events and predicts a dark time for the Earth. Back on Earth, the dragon has been summoned and asks for Slug's wish. He wishes for eternal youth and the dragon grants it as Slug morphs into a younger version of himself. Slug revels in his newfound power as the Eternal Dragon returns to sleep and the Dragonballs disperse. With that out of the way, their operation continues as a satellite-like device rises to just above Earth's atmosphere and release an ominous dark cloud that spreads around the Earth, eventually covering the entire planet. With that done, the air becomes suitable for breathing for Slug's men as they remove their protective suits. Inside, Dorodabo complains of it still being too hot, but Medamatcha just points out that it's all his insulation being extremely thick. Drills begin to penetrate into the ground.

At a distant location, Goku comes to a startling cold chill as he sees Yajirobe standing over him, having given Goku a senzu bean to revive him. Yajirobe doesn't stick around for idle chat and starts to head off. Krillin asks him if he gave Goku a senzu bean and wants one himself which he eventually gets. Animals are dropping everywhere. Back at Goku's house, Chi Chi and Bulma are conversing as Chi Chi made a hot chicken soup for Gohan. But when she enters his room, she shrieks when she sees Gohan is gone and wearing the outfit Piccolo gave him. Bulma also notices that Oolong is missing as well.

At the battlefield, Gohan, Oolong, and Icarus are hiding while preparing for a way to attack. But Oolong gets cold feet (no pun intended) and wants to back out. But Gohan is ready to plow forward. But suddenly, they're discovered. A group of Slug's soldiers close in on Gohan, but Gohan manages to fight them off. An even larger group of soldiers dash towards the young half Saiyan, but Gohan stop them with an energy blast. But more just keep on coming and the numbers become to great for him and starts running. Inside the structure, Lord Slug is reveling in his new power. Gohan meanwhile, takes to the air after besting another group of soldiers. The numbers are overwhelming as they all start firing energy blasts that despite Gohan's attempts at dodging, gets hit by a few knocking him out of the air and to the ground. They all begin to converge on Gohan when at the last moment another energy blast comes out of nowhere and knocks those soldiers back. A familiar figure starts getting brutal with the soldiers and when one gets thrown into a bright spotlight, it is none other than Piccolo to save the day. Slug starts getting annoyed by the intruders and tells his henchmen to deal with them. Piccolo warns Gohan to brace for the real fight.

All of Slug's main henchmen show up and decide on who fights who. Dorodabo decides to take on Piccolo while Medamatcha takes on Gohan. Piccolo remains confident while dodging Dorodabo's attacks. After landing on a roof, Dorodabo compliments Piccolo on his speed and wants him to fight. Piccolo tells him to give it his best shot and when Dorodabo throws a punch, Piccolo catches it and crushes Dorodabo's fist and drives an elbow into his arm. Dorodabo is caught off guard with that. Meanwhile, Gohan squares off with Medamatcha, who is firing multiple purple energy blasts that Gohan tries hard to evade. But that doesn't last when Gohan takes a few head on and is stunned. Medamatcha gets cocky with him and begins round two by doing a series of body movements and spawns four smaller versions of himself called Medas that give chase on Gohan. Gohan is quickly overtaken when the smaller creatures attach themselves to Gohan and start draining his energy. Piccolo on the other hand is holding his own when he kicks Dorodabo, sending him flying off the roof to the ground. He quickly ducks inside the building hoping to catch Piccolo in an ambush. But Piccolo is too clever to fall for it and crashes through the roof, landing behind Dorodabo and sends him crashing through the window back outside. Dorodabo gets desperate and offers to have Piccolo join Lord Slug's group. At first it seems like Piccolo is accepting the offer by extending his hand. But he then opens that hand right in front of Dorodabo's face and blows his head off with a blast of energy, killing him.

Angila is disgusted with Dorodabo's defeat and goes to take on Piccolo himself. Gohan goes down from the energy loss and is out cold. Medamatcha calls back his Medas as Piccolo goes to help Gohan only to be stopped by Angila from underneath him. Medamatcha is about to deal the finishing shot as Piccolo, despite being held in place by Angila, desperate takes off with Angila in tow. The big energy blast is about to hit Gohan when Piccolo uses his eye beam to get Angila off him and gets in front of Medamatcha's blast, taking the hit to save Gohan. But it doesn't end there when Angila and Medamatcha unleash a fury of energy blasts at the cloud where Piccolo and Gohan are. The smoke clears with Piccolo badly injured and Gohan still unconscious. Medamatcha is about to fire one more blast to finish off Gohan when another blast comes out of nowhere and drives him back.

Goku and Krillin have arrived on the scene and while Medamatcha is getting cocky with Goku, he just turns away to check on Gohan, who just came to as well as Piccolo who is glad he's here. Goku warns Medamatcha and Angila to remove the clouds and leave the Earth or he'll destroy them. The two take Goku for granted as Medamatcha and Angila charge him. But Goku's speed is unrivaled as he disappears at blinding speed and reappears above Medamatcha and does a hurricanrana like move, sending Medamatcha flying into the wall of the structure. Angila takes his turn and extends his arms into the ground and from underneath, grabs Goku's ankles. Goku doesn't even try to struggle and just stands there as Medamatcha releases his Medas who attach to Goku, who still doesn't move. Medamatcha leaps into the air to strike and Krillin starts to join the fray thinking Goku is in trouble. But just as Medamatcha is right above Goku's head, Goku drives a hard fist right into Medamatcha's gut and sends him flying. He then disintegrates the Medas with an intense burst of energy. Angila fires a mouth blast at Goku, but Goku fires a counterblast that catches Angila right in the mouth, defeating him. Medamatcha comes falling back down and Goku catches him with one hand and tosses the defeated Medamatcha to the ground. The soldiers retreat into the structure, but a big blast of energy sends them flying back out, killing them all.

Out comes Lord Slug, who is disappointed in the help he gets and sarcastically tells Goku to use the side entrance to apply for help. But Goku, being the naive person he is just says he is self employed. Krillin decides to take Slug on, but Goku knows right away he is no match for him. But Krillin doesn't listen and gets knocked way into the background. Goku charges at Slug, but he uses his impressive speed to dodge him. Goku then fires a blast at him, but Slug blocks it with an energy barrier. Goku charges back, but Slug with his quickness catches Goku off guard with a hard fist knocking him down. Goku comes back and the two engage in a quick slugfest that Slug wins quickly. Goku's down, but not out. Slug picks up Goku by his foot and after a little gloating, throws him into a truck, destroying it. Slug casually approaches as everyone else is still out of commission. Goku gets up and ponders what to do next. Slug fires an eyebeam at Goku, who dodges it barely. Slug continues his approach as Goku makes his move and connects with a hard fist, but it doesn't seem to phase Slug. Slug retaliates by pounding Goku through a window and knocks him around a bit, eventually tearing up Goku's shirt.

Things seem bleak for our hero when he hopes to get some energy from his friends. But they have none to give according to King Kai. Slug prepares to throw the final blow but suddenly Goku catches his fist and is anger explodes as he turns sort of Super Saiyan with the golden aura but without the golden hair. Now the tables have turned as Goku has a significant advantage over Slug in sheer power as he breaks Slug's fist and knocks Slug down with a hard right. Slug is amazed at this turn of events when Goku charges Slug and makes him his bitch. King Kai believes that Goku has transformed into a Super Saiyan like in the legend but we all know better. Goku continues to pummel Slug until his whole left arm is mangled. Slug shocks Goku by actually tearing his limp arm clean off and regenerates a new one. After that he takes off his helmet fully revealing to Goku that he is in fact, a Namek. Slug wastes no time and begins to increase his size to immense proportions when King Kai communicates with Goku through telepathy warning him that Slug isn't just any Namek, but one of the ancient Nameks who were able to achieve a higher level of consciousness and power. Those Nameks became intoxicated by their high levels of power that they abused it. The regular Nameks used the Dragonballs to banish the Super Nameks from their world where they lived as nomads. They live in the darkness of their own hatred and regret and wreck the homes of others. Slug is the last of those Super Nameks. Slug brags about Goku being one of the very few to see his true form. Goku hits a nerve saying he doesn't want to hurt him. That really sets him off as he starts attacking.

Goku does his best to avoid his attacks but without much luck. Slug despite his size, manages to catch Goku off guard. Goku tries for a Kamehameha, but Slug quickly fires an intense mouth blast that totally engulfs Goku. After the smoke clears, it turns out Goku manages to block the blast and actually is still standing. Slug gets frustrated and stretches his arm to nail Goku, but he jumps over his fist and runs up his arm and fires an energy blast at point blank range at Slug's face, knocking him down. Slug fires back with an eyebeams that stuns Goku long enough for him to grab him with a stretched arm and slams him into the ground. Slug gets back up and retracts his arms and start crushing Goku in his fists. Piccolo finally comes around and goes to help him by grabbing Slug's antennae thinking it would hurt him bad. But Slug hardly reacts and just gets even angrier and throws Goku down and grabs Piccolo this time. But Piccolo just smiles and proceeds to rip off his ears much to the surprise of Slug and yells at Gohan to do what he did when him and Piccolo were at the waterfall earlier.

Gohan recalls that moment when he was whistling and puts it all together that Piccolo wants him to whistle. Gohan begins whistling, albeit somewhat weak at first. He finally starts to intensify his whistling as Slug, being as huge as he is has the extremely sensitive hearing to match, starts to buckle from the sheer pitch of the whistling. King Kai deducts Piccolo's strategy that Super Nameks have super hearing and everything about them is heightened a hundred fold so what is painful to a normal Namek is unbearable to a Super Namek in terms of whistling. Piccolo then tries to reach out to Goku, who is still out cold. Piccolo doesn't quite reach at first, but tries again and grabs Goku's hand and gives him the last of his energy. Goku finally wakes back up after Piccolo loses consciousness. Slug has had enough of the whistling and fires blindly towards the source, hitting the structure in the process. The whistling stops as he turns around to see Goku up again much to his surprise.

Goku powers up with the Kaioken in which Slug can tell that Piccolo's energy is a part of Goku as well. Goku then charges at Slug, who still sees both Goku and Piccolo. Goku blows a hole right through Slug, sending him crashing into the structure he came in, destroying it. Krillin and the others are glad he did it. Goku then flies up to get rid of the clouds when an arm shoots up from the debris and grabs onto Goku's leg. Goku ends up dragging Slug up with him into the clouds where we see flashes of light, then an explosion. Goku emerges from above the clouds in the sunlight where he gathers energy for a spirit bomb. Slug is making a last ditch effort to charge at Goku for an attack. But Goku has the spirit bomb ready and throws it at Slug which scores a direct hit, sending Slug flying backwards into the machine that was creating the clouds destroying it and Slug at the same time. At last, the cloud that covered the Earth finally dissipates and everything returns to normal.

King Kai compliments Goku on pulling off another one out of the hat. Goku, after surveying the scenery hears Gohan, Krillin, and Icarus running up to him. Yajirobe also shows up with some senzu beans. Suddenly, a hand grabs Yajirobe's leg. Everyone thinks at first it's Slug somehow, but it's actually Piccolo, still without his ears. Yajirobe gives Piccolo a senzu bean which immediately heals his wounds. Piccolo looks kinda funny without his ears as Gohan is quick to point out, but Piccolo fixes that with a little regeneration and his ears are fully restored. A wisecrack from Gohan and everyone laughs as the scene pans away. And through it all, a clueless Master Roshi finally wakes up having never known what just happened.

Personal Rating: 7/10
My Opinion: You know I must admit that this movie was better than what people said it was and what I originally thought. Oh sure there was that tease of Goku being a Super Saiyan, yet not but it was unique. Maybe it's the music style of the American dub, but it really came across rather well. Still, the movie could've been better. I think what saved it from a horrible rating was the use of a nice soundtrack. Breaking Point, Deftones, and all the others have great songs.

-Information Produced By: Kevin Phoenix

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